Noticias y eventos

Yamaha Adds To Its National Theatre Presence

As one of the UK’s premiere performance venues, the National Theatre (NT) presents a wide-ranging programme. In 2018 a new permanent structure for corporate and other events was added to the roof space known as The Deck. A flexible audio system based on the Yamaha MRX7-D matrix processor has been installed, thanks partly to the unit’s success in providing show relay throughout the NT’s three theatres and other spaces.

AV Upgrade Aids Medieval Minster’s Amazing Transformation

Two of the main challenges facing Anglican churches in the 21st Century UK are changing patterns of use and, in parallel, the swift advance of technology making visitor expectations far exceed those of previous generations. At Hull Minster, a multi-million pound transformation project is addressing these and many more issues. Working with SFL Group and Yamaha audio equipment, a significant part of the project has been a major upgrade of the Minster’s AV system.

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