YSS-82Z/82ZR - Especificaciones - Saxofones - Instrumentos de viento de madera y metal - Instrumentos musicales - Productos - Yamaha - México

YSS-82Z/82ZR Saxofones soprano

Llave Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb
Campana Tipo One-piece One-piece One-piece One-piece One-piece One-piece One-piece One-piece One-piece One-piece
Decoración Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved Hand engraved
Key Type Botones de llaves Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl Mother of pearl
Llaves auxiliares High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F High F#, Front F
Apoyo del pulgar Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable Adjustable
Acabado Gold lacquer Silver-plated Gold-plated Black lacquer Unlacquer Gold lacquer Silver-plated Gold-plated Black lacquer Unlacquer
Boquilla 4CM 4CM 4CM 4CM 4CM 4CM 4CM 4CM 4CM 4CM
Caja Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included Included
Cuello One-piece, Straight One-piece, Straight One-piece, Straight One-piece, Straight One-piece, Straight One-piece, Curved One-piece, Curved One-piece, Curved One-piece, Curved One-piece, Curved
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