Nombre OS Tamaño Ultima actualización
SEQTRAK App for Mac V1.1.0 Mac 810.8MB 2025-01-14
SEQTRAK App for Windows V1.1.0 Win 796MB 2025-01-14
SEQTRAK OS Updater V1.20 - 4.3MB 2025-01-14
Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver V2.1.6 for Windows 11/10 (64-bit) Win 4.7MB 2023-10-05
Nombre Español Ingles
SEQTRAK User Guide (HTML) [English]
SEQTRAK User Guide (HTML) [Español] [English]
SEQTRAK User Guide (PDF) [3.9MB] [4.1MB]
SEQTRAK User Guide (PDF) [4.1MB]
SEQTRAK Quick Operation Guide [1.8MB]
SEQTRAK Quick Operation Guide [1.8MB] [1.8MB]
SEQTRAK Safety Guide [327KB]
SEQTRAK Safety Guide [311KB] [327KB]
SEQTRAK Data List [5.7MB]
Nombre Español Ingles
Open source license for SEQTRAK [124KB]
Compatible Android Device List for SEQTRAK [195KB]
List of USB devices confirmed to work with SEQTRAK [28KB]
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