Peter-Lukas Graf
Peter-Lukas Graf is nowadays the doyen of internationally well-known flutists. Along with winning the first prize at the Munich Competition,he was appointed the youngest ever principal flutist at the Winterthur and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra. After a decade of mainly conducting operas and symphonic concerts, he has been a professor in Basle. The USA National Flute Association honoured him with a Lifetime Achievement Award. He received the title doctor honoris causa by the Music Academy of Cracow(Poland). From the Italian FALAUT Association, he received the premio di carriera flauto d'oro.
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Bobby Shew
Nacido en Alburquerque, Nuevo México, Bobby comenzó a tocar la guitarra a la edad de ocho años y cambió a la trompeta a los diez. A los trece tocaba en bailes locales con bandas y a los quince había reunido su propio grupo para tocar en bailes, conciertos ocasionales y en cafeterías de jazz. Pasó la mayor parte de sus días de instituto tocando no menos de seis noches por semana en un club nocturno, dando un temprano comienzo a su carrera profesional.