Daniele Damiano


Daniele Damiano

Damiano was born in 1961 in Asti, Italy, and graduated from Verdi Conservatory of Turin in 1982. Before coming to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, he was a principal of bassoon in the RAI (Italian Radio) Orchestra of Turin (1982-85) and in the Vienna Philharmonic (1985-87). As a soloist and a chamber music performer, he has made numerous joint performances with orchestra ensembles in regions throughout Europe. An album recording of a joint performance with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra as a soloist earned a Grammy Award as Best Chamber Music Performance in 1994. Mr. Damiano has taught at the Salzburg Mozarteum (1992-94),, the Academia Musicale Chigiana in Siena (1993-98) and the Geneva Conservatoire (1999-2001).

Allen Vizzutti

El trompetista Allen Vizzutti es un intérprete versátil y más conocido por su valía como compositor de jazz, aunque su trabajo en el campo clásico es también extenso.

Alonso Arreola

Compositor, bajista, productor, escritor, periodista.

Antonio Buchanan

Antonio Buchanan

Cantautor con más de 20 años ininterrumpidos de trabajo artístico, creativo y escénico independiente.

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